Get ready to battle!
Toys R Us in York, located at 1410 Kenneth Rd., York, PA 17408 (by the West Manchester Mall) is host to a monthly Bakugan Battle League and the next one is this Saturday August 28, 2010 at noon.
When kids arrive at their local Toys R Us to play for the first time they will receive a membership card from their league master. At the start of each event children will get a book about the day's game to review. They must read the challenge and choose their story option. Games across the U.S. will be documented and the Bakugan winners decide the next story!
Children must bring their own Bakugan. The league master is there to assist players but everyone attending should know the basic rules. has plenty of information to get kids started.
This event is for ages 3 and older but remember that they need to be able to understand the game. Parents must accompany children at all times during the League.